

Hi, I'm Kari. This is a little about myself, so you get an idea of who I am.

Age: 28
Height: 5'4"
Weight as of update (22/04/15): 202.2
Occupation: Stay at Home Mom, Doula, Jewelry in Candles Representative

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Puzzles
Favorite Exercise: Running
Favorite way to de-stress: Long bath with a book

Family life: I'm a wife, and my husband and I have four children. Three boys (ages 7, 6, and 4) and one girl (age 1). We also have three cats in our house, and would love to add a dog to the household some day. My three boys are in school, and we live in a small city in Ontario, Canada. My days are usually filled with taking the boys to school, dealing with my daughter and her medical needs, picking the boys up and keeping them occupied. There's more to it then that, but that's the basics at this point.

Goals: I'm working on losing weight. Right now I have the small focus of getting under 200 pounds (I'm down from 231.5). It's not always easy, sometimes I go up, sometimes I go down.

I'm also working on my mental health, as ended up with postpartum depression. It's a lot some days to chase the thought monkey's away.

Medically speaking, I'm working with a neurologist to understand why I get tremors in my right shoulder, and a few other things that I've found seem to go with it. Every day I have to take thyroid replacement medication because I have hypothyroidism. The next big thing will be getting my gallbladder out on May 15th, 2015.

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